The following are the most important terms related to REST APIs
Este é um exemplo:
import java.*;
public static void main(strain){
Let’s write few APIs for Companies which has some Employees, to understand more.
is an API which will respond with the list of employees. Few more APIs around a Company will look like as follows:
And there will be tons of other API endpoints like these for different operations. All of those will contain many redundant actions. Hence, all these API endpoints would be burdensome to maintain, when API count increases.
contains the action addNew
along with the resource name Employee
endpoint is a good example, which contains no action. But the question is how do we tell the server about the actions to be performed on companies
resource viz. whether to add, delete or update?This is where the HTTP methods (GET, POST, DELETE, PUT), also called as verbs, play the role.
The resource should always be plural in the API endpoint and if we want to access one instance of the resource, we can always pass the id in the URL.
path /companies
should get the list of all companiesGET
path /companies/34
should get the detail of company 34DELETE
path /companies/34
should delete company 34In few other use cases, if we have resources under a resource, e.g Employees of a Company, then few of the sample API endpoints would be:
GET /companies/3/employees
should get the list of all employees from company 3GET /companies/3/employees/45
should get the details of employee 45, which belongs to company 3DELETE /companies/3/employees/45
should delete employee 45, which belongs to company 3POST /companies
should create a new company and return the details of the new company createdIsn’t the APIs are now more precise and consistent? 😎
Conclusion: The paths should contain the plural form of resources and the HTTP method should define the kind of action to be performed on the resource.
HTTP has defined few sets of methods which indicates the type of action to be performed on the resources.
The URL is a sentence, where resources are nouns and HTTP methods are verbs.
The important HTTP methods are as follows:
method requests data from the resource and should not produce any side effect./companies/3/employees
returns list of all employees from company 3.POST
method requests the server to create a resource in the database, mostly when a web form is submitted./companies/3/employees
creates a new Employee of company 3.POST
is non-idempotent which means multiple requests will have different effects.PUT
method requests the server to update resource or create the resource, if it doesn’t exist./companies/3/employees/john
will request the server to update, or create if doesn’t exist, the john resource in employees collection under company 3.PUT
is idempotent which means multiple requests will have the same effects.DELETE
method requests that the resources, or its instance, should be removed from the database./companies/3/employees/john/
will request the server to delete john resource from the employees collection under the company 3.There are few other methods which we will discuss in another post.
When the client raises a request to the server through an API, the client should know the feedback, whether it failed, passed or the request was wrong. HTTP status codes are bunch of standardized codes which has various explanations in various scenarios. The server should always return the right status code.
The following are the important categorization of HTTP codes:
These status codes represent that the requested action was received and successfully processed by the server.
DELETE /companies/43/employees/2
will delete the employee 2 and in return we do not need any data in the response body of the API, as we explicitly asked the system to delete. If there is any error, like if employee 2
does not exist in the database, then the response code would be not be of 2xx Success Category
but around 4xx Client Error category
.These status codes represent that the client has raised a faulty request.
You can follow any casing convention, but make sure it is consistent across the application. If the request body or response type is JSON then please follow camelCase to maintain the consistency.
All of these actions are simply the query on one dataset. There will be no new set of APIs to handle these actions. We need to append the query params with the GET method API.
Let’s understand with few examples how to implement these actions.
GET /companies
endpoint should accept multiple sort params in the query.GET /companies?sort=rank_asc
would sort the companies by its rank in ascending order.GET /companies?category=banking&location=india
would filter the companies list data with the company category of Banking and where the location is India.GET /companies?search=Digital Mckinsey
GET /companies?page=23
means get the list of companies on 23rd page.If adding many query params in GET methods makes the URI too long, the server may respond with 414 URI Too long
HTTP status, in those cases params can also be passed in the request body of the POST
When your APIs are being consumed by the world, upgrading the APIs with some breaking change would also lead to breaking the existing products or services using your APIs.
is a good example, which has the version number of the API in the path. If there is any major breaking update, we can name the new set of APIs as v2
or v1.x.x
These guidelines are compiled on my experience of development. I would love to know your views on the pointers mentioned above. Please leave a comment, and let me know!
Original Post by Mahesh Haldar @haldar.mahesh:
Original Post:
Web APIs has become an very important topic in the last year. We at M-Way Solutions are working every day with different backend systems and therefore we know about the importance of a clean API design.
Typically we use a RESTful design for our web APIs. The concept of REST is to separate the API structure into logical resources. There are used the HTTP methods GET, DELETE, POST and PUT to operate with the resources.
These are 10 best practices to design a clean RESTful API:
For an easy understanding use this structure for every resource:
Resource GET read - /cars
POST create - /cars
PUT update - /cars
DELETE remove/blocks- /cars
Do not use verbs:
Use PUT, POST and DELETE methods instead of the GET method to alter the state.
Do not use GET for state changes:
GET /users/711?activate or
GET /users/711/activate
Do not mix up singular and plural nouns. Keep it simple and use only plural nouns for all resources.
/cars instead of /car
/users instead of /user
/products instead of /product
/settings instead of /setting
If a resource is related to another resource use subresources.
GET /cars/711/drivers/ Returns a list of drivers for car 711
GET /cars/711/drivers/4 Returns driver #4 for car 711
Both, client and server, need to know which format is used for the communication. The format has to be specified in the HTTP-Header.
Content-Type defines the request format.
Accept defines a list of acceptable response formats.
Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State is a principle that hypertext links should be used to create a better navigation through the API.
"id": 711,
"manufacturer": "bmw",
"model": "X5",
"seats": 5,
"drivers": [
"id": "23",
"name": "Stefan Jauker",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "/api/v1/drivers/23"
Use a unique query parameter for all fields or a query language for filtering.
GET /cars?color=red Returns a list of red cars
GET /cars?seats<=2 Returns a list of cars with a maximum of 2 seats
Allow ascending and descending sorting over multiple fields.
GET /cars?sort=-manufactorer,+model
This returns a list of cars sorted by descending manufacturers and ascending models.
Field selection
Mobile clients display just a few attributes in a list. They don’t need all attributes of a resource. Give the API consumer the ability to choose returned fields. This will also reduce the network traffic and speed up the usage of the API.
GET /cars?fields=manufacturer,model,id,color
Use limit and offset. It is flexible for the user and common in leading databases. The default should be limit=20 and offset=0
GET /cars?offset=10&limit=5
To send the total entries back to the user use the custom HTTP header: X-Total-Count.
Links to the next or previous page should be provided in the HTTP header link as well. It is important to follow this link header values instead of constructing your own URLs.
Link:; rel=“next”,; rel=“last”,; rel=“first”,; rel=“prev”,
Make the API Version mandatory and do not release an unversioned API. Use a simple ordinal number and avoid dot notation such as 2.5.
We are using the url for the API versioning starting with the letter „v“
It is hard to work with an API that ignores error handling. Pure returning of a HTTP 500 with a stacktrace is not very helpful.
Use HTTP status codes
The HTTP standard provides over 70 status codes to describe the return values. We don’t need them all, but there should be used at least a mount of 10.
200 — OK — Eyerything is working
201 — OK — New resource has been created
204 — OK — The resource was successfully deleted
304 — Not Modified — The client can use cached data
400 — Bad Request — The request was invalid or cannot be served. The exact error should be explained in the error payload. E.g. „The JSON is not valid“
401 — Unauthorized — The request requires an user authentication
403 — Forbidden — The server understood the request, but is refusing it or the access is not allowed.
404 — Not found — There is no resource behind the URI.
422 — Unprocessable Entity — Should be used if the server cannot process the enitity, e.g. if an image cannot be formatted or mandatory fields are missing in the payload.
500 — Internal Server Error — API developers should avoid this error. If an error occurs in the global catch blog, the stracktrace should be logged and not returned as response.
Use error payloads
All exceptions should be mapped in an error payload. Here is an example how a JSON payload should look like.
"errors": [
"userMessage": "Sorry, the requested resource does not exist",
"internalMessage": "No car found in the database",
"code": 34,
"more info": ""
Some proxies support only POST and GET methods. To support a RESTful API with these limitations, the API needs a way to override the HTTP method.
Use the custom HTTP Header X-HTTP-Method-Override to overrider the POST Method.